This week we return to our lovely flower essences and the way essences can help you to create.
Have you ever sat in front of a canvas and not been able to paint anything?
Do you love to write but you lack inspiration?
Do you know what white page syndrome is?
White page syndrome or writer’s block is the inability to produce new ideas. It happens to all writers and painters at one time or another. It can last from a few minutes to years depending on the causes behind the blockage, such as depression, which is a cause where this syndrome can be prolonged over time.
Underneath this lack of creativity, there may be a fear of failure…of not publishing interesting material…of not rising to the level of the previous work.
There are many facets that come into play in this state of not being able to develop.
Let’s look at each facet and relate certain flower essences that can help you. Obviously the best way is to create a bottle based on a personalised recipe where the different aspects of the person are taken into account, thus creating a synergy to create the best option. However, we will now associate each individual aspect with certain essences in order to give you an overall idea.
It should be understood that this syndrome is not new, the causes could be physical and emotional or both. Most of the research on this blockage dates back to the 70s and 80s, and was coined for the first time in 1947 by the German psychoanalyst Edmund Bergler. It is not exclusive to writers, it is a blockage that affects all creative authors: writers, painters, sculptors, designers…; no one is safe from being visited by the blockage;-)
PHYSICAL FATIGUE can be due to not sleeping well on one hand, not having an optimal place to sleep, either because of space or noise. Diet plays an important role and we should eat foods full of vitamins and minerals and leave aside processed or fried foods. Then there is also eating foods that are not good for your body, by this I mean that what is good for one person is not good for another and lastly the combination of food groups can also lead to fatigue.
Aloe Vera, Olive, Self Heal, Dandelion, Rescue 7, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Indian Pink, Yarrow, Holy Grail, Acceptance.
The GOALS we set for ourselves are really REALISTIC? wanting to compare ourselves with another artist and wanting to create something similar can make it difficult to be realistic and feel blocked by this and not knowing where to start. Just compare yourself with yourself and see what you have achieved in the past with the present, try to do this comparison exercise every now and then, it can help you to be much more positive than you currently feel. Everyone has their own style and authenticity is what should be weighed in the balance.
Rock Water, Larch, Madia, Mugwort
FEAR is one of the best allies of writer’s block. There are so many fears that even though they are different, they all come under the heading of “fear”.
Fear of not wanting to be judged or criticised, fear of not being up to the task, fear of disappointing, fear of exposure and we could go on like this.
There are many essences that can help you with fear, the first thing is to recognise what the fear is, as sometimes the obvious is not the initial or underlying fear.
Buttercup, Baby Blue Eyes, Chamomille, Pink Monkey flower, Garlic, Mimilus, Voice of confidence, Mallow, Penstemon, Larch.
TOO MANY IDEAS and not being able to make up one’s mind is also something that happens, an excess of enthusiasm combined with/or a LACK OF DECISION making or concentration is another reason for the white page syndrome. So it is better to let the ideas rest, do something different and then sit down again, or else you can put a few ideas together and then realise which is the best option.
Vervain, Madia, Cosmos, Dill, Cerato, Rabbitbrush, Corn, Clear light.
A LOW EMOTIONAL STATE, emotional exhaustion can be due to many reasons. Not being emotionally optimal leads to performing work that may not be up to par, it is best to give yourself the time you need to breathe and return to balance, without judgement or guilt.
California Wildrose, Penstemon, Chaparral, California poppy, Borage, Mountain Pennyroyal, Pink yarrow, Buttercup, Zinnia, Pine, Gorse, Light Being.
Iris, California Wildrose, Sage, chaparral, First Aid, Clear Light,
Expecting to execute something PERFECT is another reason that can block us, perfection is something that does not exist, it is our perception and the perception of millions of people who with a different view may have a different opinion of your work.
Flexibility and letting the creation of your art flow without the rigidity and demands of the stamp of perfection would be a tool that would help us a lot.
Rock Water, Mullein, Go with the flow.
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